
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A very happy marriage

Sejak kebelakangan ni kerap sgt dengar tentang cerai- berai esp di kalangan artis kita... Well they are celebrities so... no harm they`re always faced with divorce, family problems... Media, fans, frens, everybody are pointing at them.. Are looking at their fault to be blame... So as a normal people since i`m not any celebrities.. mayb a celebrities to my huby and the 2 dotters (if got the chance la.. badan pun dah out of shape, how to become a celebrities.. rite????).. saje- saje suke-suke find any arthicles bout marriage...
Mayb with more info and knowledge we can grow our marriege to a better stage.. to make my marriage become nicer and nicer from day to day.... This is what i found during my searching.... Hopefully with this tips I could get a very happy marriage... There`s no prob with our marriage.. Jgn salah paham laks.. Satgi ingat kami ada prob umahtangga.. Nope!!! Honestly nope.. I love him so much n he love me toooo.. So there`s nothing in our marriage.. Juz to get more tips to brighten our marriage.... Macam pengantin baru yg seniasa mekar.. Walawei.. kawin bukan untuk sehari 2.. Perlu banyak info untuk melayari rumahtangga kita untuk jadi yang terbaik.. untuk memberi yang lebih baik.. Rite???? Jom kita share same- same.. Utk readers yg belum kawen.. boleh baca utk info masa hadapan... Sambil- sambil layan la same gambar huduh2 masa kami kawen dolu2....

  • Of course everyone is happy to be married The question is how to be 'happily married' forever and ever and ' till death do us part' . Is it possible to sustain happiness throughout.? No doubt life has its ups and downs but if you could have more ups than downs you should be happy.
( Sangat berharap agar rumahtangga kami sebegitu.. Doakan ya...)

  • Marriage requires lots of efforts, lots of sacrifice, give and take- better take little and give more, no harm. If both sides want to give little but take more , then that is the beginning of troubles.
 (Betul la kan.. Kalau dua2 asyik nak menang, tak mau mengalah camna ek...)

  • Remaining 'happily married' is something special and only very select few can achieve that goal..Many more couples are able to remained married but not neccessarily happy. But this is alright and at least better than divorce.
( Nauzubillah.. mintak simpang dari semua- semua tu...)

  • There are as many heartaches as happy moments in married life. You are no more yourself, you have the other half. Whatever I do I have not only to think but also to involve her. Oh Boy! She is always late , to attend functions, go outing or travelling, even if I already told her that the flight is at certain time, she will be late. So what I did is to tell her the flight time is one hour earlier than the actual time. Only then you can reach the airport on time. But if I say we are going shopping , she is all ready half hour ahead of time. That is the reality.
(Yang ni memang betul dan saya sendiri akui... Kawen bukan antara kita dan suami but with the whole family members.. Bad or good depends on the family members acceptance.. 1 more, mmg betul la pompuan kalau nak shopping memang cepat.. 1 hours before dah siap.. Mlm before pegi dah tak boleh lena dibuatnya...)

  • Tell you, (addressing to men), women likes to talk , not a substance talk , all empty talk among themselves ( to friends or relatives). When they do that , find something to occupy yourselves, read newspaper or books or do gardening where you can find peace of mind . If they nag at you or complain about something , run away as fast you can. Do not try to answer or argue with her. You will never win. Why pick a fight?
( This statment also need to be tumb up.. Y??? Coz correct wat.. Women likes nagging, talking nonsense, gossiping... Compare to men like my hubby.. Doesn`t bother at all when I started nagging, pot pet pot pet, talking. bla bla bla to him... When I asked y? He`ll replied " Why pick a fight?? He`ll never win.. True!!!)

  • Try to bring only good news whenever you come home from work or a trip or a meeting somewhere. The same applies to wives whenever they welcome home their husbands. Tell us all the happy news of the day, good things the children had done, and all the things that can bring cheers and happiness to the tired husbands. Never, never grumble, complain, moan or groan or announce bad news affecting the family as soon as he step into the house. 
( Macam takde masa dah nak cite kat laki kita kan.. Kot iya pun tunggu la dia mandi, rehat, semayang...baru la cite bad news kat dia.. Ni dak.. Belum pun tanggal kasut laki dah cekak pinggang pot pet pot pet.. Ish!! Ini boleh bikin marah ni!!!)

  • Find yourself your source of happiness. It is everywhere. There are millions of ways and all are very simple, just by saying or doing little things nice to your partner.

(Betul la korang.. semua ni bergantung pada diri kita dan pasangan untuk melayari alam rumahtangga.. Kadang2 ciput jer affort but hasilnya BOOM.... But kadang2 usaha besar tapi hasilnya SO SO jer... So it`s time to muhasabah diri masing- masing... Kalau kita nakkan BAHAGIA.. Allah pasti berikan KEBAHAGIAAN.. tapi kalau DUKA yang diinginkan maka terjadilah PERCERAIAN...)

I wish all those relatives andends who are getting married soon " A very happy Marriage - May Allah Bless You All and me too...

p/s:- saya sebenarnya tak berhak untuk bercerita ttg semua ni sbb usia perkahwinan pun baru setahun jagung but learn from a lesson to make us better...

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